Makeup Brush Cleaning Tutorial

As I'm sure you already know, it is very important to wash your makeup brushes regularly and properly.. just like washing your face. I try to wash my brushes every 1-2 weeks, depending on how often I have been using them. Sometimes it is hard to remember or find time to wash all of your brushes, so at least try to clean the face brushes you use every day.

Another thing to remember, you definitely don't want to clean your brushes at a time when you will be needing to use them right away because they do take quite some time to dry and you have to let them air dry (blow drying them will cause the glue to melt and could ruin the bristles depending on what they are made out of). I try to wash mine in the evening so that they can dry overnight.

What you will need:
  • Baby wash/ shampoo
  • A medium sized bowl
  • Warm water
  • A small towel

Pour some of the baby wash into the bowl and fill it with warm water. Stir it up so that the soap is fully mixed with the water.

Take your towel and roll up one side so that it looks something like this.

Put all your brushes into the soapy water mix and let them soak for a couple of minutes.

I like to swirl my brushes in circular motions in the bowl of water before I take them out just to get rid of a little bit of the makeup buildup before I start cleaning them.

Pour a small amount of baby wash into your hand.

Swirl your brush in circular motions in the soap on your hand.

Make sure you thoroughly rinse out the soap. Always rinse the brush while holding it pointed downwards so that the soap and water mix rinse out instead of soaking into the glue.

When you have thoroughly rinsed out the brush, reshape the bristles back to their original shape and lay the brush with the bristles pointed downward so that any remaining water can find its way out of the brush.

Sometimes brushes need to be cleaned two-three times to get all of the makeup out of them. As you can see, even after washing my brush there is still a lot of makeup on it.

After rinsing it and washing it again, now the brush is clean. I also like to swirl my brush in circles on the palm of my hand while I rinse it out just to make sure I get all the soap out.

Repeat this process with all your brushes and lay them all out to dry overnight (or all day). Remember to let them air dry. And make sure to leave them on a surface that wont be ruined by water because a lot of water leaks out and soaks through the towel.

I hope this was helpful for you and feel free to let me know if you have any questions or comments.


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